Tuesday, February 24, 2009


On Tuesday, February 24, 2004, we welcomed our 2nd child into this world. Today we are so happy to help him celebrate his 5th birthday. He has developed so many wonderful qualities in the first 5 years of his little life. He makes jokes and says things that are so off the wall, that we just laugh so hard most of the time. At family gatherings, he keeps the family in stitches with his comments. Carter, your daddy and I hope that you keep that cute smile and we wish you a very Happy Birthday! We Love You BUBBA!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today my Grandma Marie turns 81. She is the most beautiful 81 year old I know. She listens to what you have to say when you need to talk and she also isn't afraid to tell you how it is. I guess that is what I love about her and I guess that is why we are so much alike! I love you Grandma, and here's to another 81 years!!! WE LOVE YOU!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Over the weekend, we thought that Cooper's lungs were filling up, so we pounded the neb. treatments to him. Yesterday morning when we woke up, the electricity was off in our Village. Cooper wasn't up yet, so we thought we were safe, but when he did wake up and the lights were still off, we knew we were in trouble. We figured we'd better get him to the ER just so we could give him a neb. treatment, but just then the lights came back on. Thank Goodness! We took him to the Dr. anyway because we thought he was definately getting worse. When we got to the Dr., she was worried that he was getting dehydrated, but she didn't want to put him in the hospital in Broken Bow, so she sent us to a pediatrician in Kearney. There, Dr. Psota said that he was not dehydrated, this lungs sounded good, and his blood work came back looking good, so we were not admitted to the hospital. She did however say that she wanted me to stay home with him the rest of the week, so that he doesn't spread anything or get anything. Which is easier said than done with having 2 school aged children! They bring home everything! We now have Germ-X by every sink in our house, so that after a cough, sneeze or the obvious, we wash and apply! A big Thank You to Nurse Syndie! (Also Baby Collin's Grama!) You are great!
We sure hope everyone else can stay healthy! My mother-in-law is sick now, which is not good considering her immune system is shot! Sorry Ma'Ma if we got you sick! We hope you feel better real soon!
I guess it's like J.P. always says, Vitamin C, a lot of fluids and plenty of sleep! Gosh he is a wise man!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hospital Stay

Little Cooper & I spent the night in the hospital with RSV. Poor little man had a shot, which really pissed him off and several rounds of nebulizer treatments. He took the treatments very good. So now I have been off work for 3 days this week. We had Carter home with an ear infection and high fevers. Plus his asthma was acting up giving him the coughing fits. But now Cooper and I are home and I am getting prepared to give another kid neb. treatments. Darn lungs anyway!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy 2 month Birthday!

Our little man is 2 months old today! Last night was the first night he slept all night long!! Good Job COOP! If you look at his chubby tummy...no wonder he has that look on his face...GEEZ MOMMY!, get my pants off! They are hurting my gut! Poor little boy! He is so cute! His little expressions are the cutest things. Coy & Carter are still very big help. They love helping out when ever they can.