Saturday, March 14, 2009

Being a Wrestling Mom

I always told myself in high school that I would never be like those wrestling mothers that were down on the mat cheering on their kids or telling them what moves to do next. Well as of today...I am eating my words! But damn it was fun!

After Coy hit a kid in the nose and gave him a bloody nose, he was able to come up with 2nd. The kid he hit got 1st and well deserved! Coy was very aggressive during all 3 matches. Coy impressed Coach Hoyt when he did a double leg on a kid! Actually so was I!! I thought he did so much better this week than last!

Carter also did real well! He got real mad during his 1st match. The other kid had him on his stomach and Carter couldn't remember what to do next. The next two periods were interesting for the other kid because Carter's temper was showing. His little cheeks were red and he was so pissed off that he was crying. I think that's why he ended up with a 1st place medal!!

Good job Coy & Carter!

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